Life at SPRIGS

Inventors, engineers, entrepreneurs and designers working together to solve true challenges with data-driven technology.

SPRIGS works with partners – connecting businesses with data and technology to bring value to their end-users.

SPRIGS works with research institutes – turning research into real-world impact as fast as possible.

Through commitment and challenging each other's perspectives, SPRIGS works to drive progress and outcomes beyond expectations.

Focus Areas
Focus Areas

Tackle problems and tenfold opportunities.

We seek to capture the complexity of people's problems to explore new creative ways to help solve them.


Good health and well-being

Supporting healthy lives and promoting all ages' well-being is vital. How will technology meet the demands of an aging population and emerging health concerns?



We will have over 9.6 billion people by 2050, and our food demand will rise 60 to 100 percent. How can we harvest from nature what it is willing to give us?


No future without culture

The essence of culture is how people interpret, use, and perceive it. How will we use digital tools to enforce that?



Educational technology facilitates and improves learning. How do we make learning more inclusive and open for all people?


Open and safe

Information and communication technologies have become indispensable in the lives of people and businesses. How do we protect people and businesses from disruption and exploitation?



Connectivity leads to more opportunities and economic advancement, builds communities, and enables inclusion worldwide. How do we want a connected society to look like?


SPRIGS offers expertise.

Strategic design
SPRIGS provides expertise to develop and progress with business strategies at the intersection of big data, business intelligence, user & customer experience, and complexity. Deliverables: UX & Data Design Strategy, Data Design Systems, Service Design & Product Strategy
Data visualisation
SPRIGS transforms data, through research and analytics, into meaningful and impactful visual stories and experiences. Data and information are placed into context through our visualisation techniques to reveal new perspectives, insights and establish actionability. Deliverables: Interactive Data Visualizations, Data Stories & Micro-sites, Interactive Data Installations
Products and syststems
SPRIGS work closely with partners to create new products and systems that engage and empower end-users. This user-centred design approach allows for in-depth research and strategy, iteration and evaluation throughout the project process, always working towards a launchable solution. Deliverables: Data-driven Products, Digital Applications & Ecosystems, Business intelligence Dashboards
SPRIGS provides expertise to develop and progress with business strategies at the intersection of big data, business intelligence, user & customer experience, and complexity. Deliverables: UX & Data Design Strategy, Data Design Systems, Service Design & Product Strategy
SPRIGS transforms data, through research and analytics, into meaningful and impactful visual stories and experiences. Data and information are placed into context through our visualisation techniques to reveal new perspectives, insights and establish actionability. Deliverables: Interactive Data Visualizations, Data Stories & Micro-sites, Interactive Data Installations
SPRIGS work closely with partners to create new products and systems that engage and empower end-users. This user-centred design approach allows for in-depth research and strategy, iteration and evaluation throughout the project process, always working towards a launchable solution. Deliverables: Data-driven Products, Digital Applications & Ecosystems, Business intelligence Dashboards

At SPRIGS we embrace a culture of continous learning.

SPRIGS Evolutionary Workflow Process provides our teams and partners with a learning framework to stay flexible, adapt, and anticipate changes to succeed with progress. Throughout the process, we apply a collection of proven methodologies and tools like Design Thinking to understand the problem best and deliver against issues and opportunities presented. Whether for a brief engagement or a long-term product development project, we utilise our workflow process by scaling it up or down.


Discover and define issues and opportunities.


We discern what changes we want to bring, create engagement and readiness, map needs, explore whom to involve, and define leadership and project structure.

Partner input

  • Attending workshop

SPRIGS deliverables

  • Design and facilitate workshops
  • Service Delivery brief

We invite stakeholders to share their hopes and fears, individual challenges, and visions of the outcome in the project context. The purpose is to create engagement, develop the capacity to change, and a shared ownership and outcome vision.

Partner input

  • Defining stakeholders

SPRIGS deliverables

  • Design and facilitate stakeholder workshops
  • Evaluation reports including stakeholders’ individual vision of the outcome.

We concept and investigate possible issues and opportunities a product or service can bring to the business. By exploring competitive advantages focusing on end-users, markets, data, and technology, we develop multiple value propositions to show potential roadmaps

Partner input

  • Availability for workshops
  • Background information related to the business

 SPRIGS deliverables

  • Defined business model & service blueprint
  • A product pitch presentation

We use questionnaires and surveys to research the behaviour and trends of a large group of people.

Partner input

  • Defining target audience

SPRIGS deliverables

  • Research report

We discover behaviour patterns amongst (potential) users and explore underlying needs and wishes by performing in-person or remote interviews.

Partner input

  • Access to users
  • Feedback on the interview outline

SPRIGS deliverables

  • Interview outline
  • Insight’s report
  • Verbatim interview notes (optional)

We interview various target groups. These interviews take place on location or in a conference call.

Partner input

  • Defining target audience

SPRIGS deliverables

  • Needs and requirement analysis

We create a set of personas based on findings from empathy maps. Personas serve as a reflection tool throughout the project iterations.

Partner input

  • Defining target audience
  • Feedback

SPRIGS deliverables

  • Personas guidelines
  • Personas overview

We systematically analyse products to find the essential areas of improvement and identify opportunities for further development. We look at issues that break the user experience, for example, incorrect data display, possible bugs, unclear interaction, and visualisation. We prioritise all detected issues (high, medium, low) and summarised them in a set of primary and secondary conclusions.

Partner input

  • Access to the current solution
  • Feedback

SPRIGS deliverables

  • Product improvement overview
  • Roadmap

We apply journey canvas to map out the entire process of user experiences and provide a single overview of the whole product realm. It helps us to spot opportunities, needs and blind spots. It also triggers discussions about overall process improvement and is crucial in designing a coherent deliverable. Journey maps remain a document to revert to throughout the project process.

Partner input

  • Attending customer journey mapping workshop
  • Feedback

 SPRIGS deliverables

  • Journey canvas

We research products, systems, and platforms with related or similar purposes as our project and study the various patterns of interactivity and user cases. The research enables us to learn from the already applied solutions.

SPRIGS deliverables

  • Competitor benchmark, strengths, and opportunity analysis

We thoroughly examine the available data from existing solutions and reports to identify and distil end-user critical insights. Having this knowledge at an early stage in the process increases the value our designs can provide by presenting relevant information in the right way and at the right moment in the users’ workflow.

Partner input

  • The required data, information, and infrastructure

 SPRIGS deliverables

  • Data inventory overview

We explore the state-of-the-art and emerging technologies to understand which specific technologies best supports user experience as solutions that might not always be apparent. We research new technologies on a software and hardware level, e.g., opportunities for novel data visualisations, ventures into multi-sensory experiences (touch, smell, hearing), extended reality, 3D printing or new development platforms. This exploration provides vital insights into how to enhance the final product.

SPRIGS deliverables

  • Technology research overview

Moving from insight to creative ideas and prototypes


We conceptualise designs and narratives in co-creation. Participants are free to use various materials or roleplay to make their desired user experience tangible. We examine different levels within the surfacing ideas and explore applying the deliverables to create a strong connection between visuals through tone of voice, subject perspective, and visual language.

Partner input

  • Attending sessions

SPRIGS deliverables

  • Session agenda and outline
  • Ideas overview

We break the issues and opportunities into parts (the most important elements) and search widely for sources/examples of previously successful actions that address each aspect. Then we make creative combinations: Allowing for flashes of insight in finding new combinations of elements. Working this way combines analysis and insight with creativity. We pinpoint differentiation by working from the identified business and user goals. Through means-end analysis, we define values, design objectives, key results, consequences, and attributes.

Partner input

  • Attending workshop
  • Feedback

SPRIGS deliverables

  • Creative strategy

We transform the service delivery brief, creative strategy, and ideas overview into detailed concept directions. The concepts show a holistic design approach for the overall product. They provide insight into the overarching conceptual idea and features such as user flow, interaction and experience, mental models, navigational structures, visual style, and narratives.

Partner input

  • Attending presentation
  • Feedback

SPRIGS deliverables

  • UI/UX Concept Design (Wireframes)
  • Visual Design
  • Concept Design

We identify the available and required data and examine how to aggregate, parse, filter and analyse it. Data-driven projects require an early understanding of the data parameters because they are crucial to the entire design process. In the analysis, we identify the data’s possibilities in terms of a meaningful experience and narrative.

Partner input

  • Access to data
  • Meeting to discuss further possibilities

SPRIGS deliverables

  • Data inventory overview
  • Data analysis report

We develop scenarios and storyboards to create a shared understanding of the final deliverables and each component. Scenarios and storyboards are concrete but rough, tangible yet flexible, encourage ‘what if’ thinking, and concentrates on the content, storyline, and narrative. A scenario outlines the story textually, whereas a storyboard supports the scenario visually, showing what the experience will be like and how events will follow each other.

Partner input

  • Attending presentation

SPRIGS deliverables

  • Scenario and storyboard presentation

We prefer to start prototyping early in the process. It aids understanding a product and demonstrates interactivity, experience and ‘feeling’ to the users and stakeholders. It also speeds things up later in the process by catching problems early before coding even begins. Prototypes can take on many shapes and forms, from a paper or 3D printed physical prototype, digital click-through prototype, or mock-up visualisation.

Partner input

  • Feedback on the prototype(s)

SPRIGS deliverables

  • Prototype(s)

Depending on the data requirements and the format and volume of the data available, the end product might require a different data structure, aggregations or filtering, or the data might benefit from another transformation to improve its usefulness. We determine together with partners what is needed and take responsibility for these tasks – ensuring that the required content is at the correct place, in the proper format, and on time.

SPRIGS deliverables

  • Data processing & augmentation

We test our conceived concepts during the ideation phase. We share an approximation of a product or service that captures the essence of a new idea or product to determine if it meets the target audience’s needs. Testing can be done one-on-one or with more participants, in person or online.

SPRIGS deliverables

  • Concept test validation report

We translate all elements of the concept and their technical implementations into small coherent parts called user stories. These describe from a user’s perspective what the expected behaviour and experience is. We prioritise all user stories in a roadmap – providing all stakeholders with an overview of the current prioritisation of features. These user stories and roadmap will inform our sprint planning for step three. We revisit these priorities in step 3 to allow for iterative development.

Partner input

  • Attending priority workshop

SPRIGS deliverables

  • Product roadmap

Refine and deliver


Design documentation serves as a common ground between collaborating partners and possibly third parties. Our design documentation contains two parts: The design rationale behind the concept and strategic thinking and how these translate into the design elements; and a design style guide further describes design elements from a functional level such as typography, use of colour, and grid layout.

SPRIGS deliverables

  • Style guide

We design the user interface and the user experience to provide the necessary input for development. We break down wireframes into components for a more complex product and design and iterated the features individually.

Partner input

  • Feedback

SPRIGS deliverables

  • Specifications of Site Components
  • UI/UX Design Solution(s)

We translate values, attributes, and goals into a visual identity and branding (based on strategy and positioning) into dynamic identities that adapt to the given environment. Elements covered in this project process include logo, vignette, wordmark, colour scheme and typography rules, branding elements, iconography, photography, illustration, and motion design.

Partner input

  • Feedback

SPRIGS deliverables

  • Identity design documents
  • Identity design guidelines

We design all aspects of the product in detail by deconstructing the product into, for example, additional pages or screens, user interface elements like buttons and icons, system states and transitions. A design style guide captures all aspects and serves as a reference point for present and future development.

Partner input

  • Feedback

SPRIGS deliverables

  • Visual design solution(s)

We create animations to optimise timing and impressions from the ideation phase. We create motion graphics using 2D and 3D animation techniques based on the storyboards and concept design. We deliver high fidelity footage that is used within an online project or as a stand-alone deliverable. We ensure that elements like graphic design, animation, motion design and video become aligned into a unified whole.

Partner input

  • Feedback

SPRIGS deliverables

  • Motion graphics

We translate the UI/UX and visual designs into working code for the web. By combining mark-up (HTML), style (CSS) and programming (JavaScript), the front end brings the user interface to the user. Our code works cross-browser, cross-platform, and cross-device, and communicates with the back end/server to retrieve data. All user interaction takes place at the front end. The front end impacts the overall user experience regarding usability, affordance, portability, and speed.

Partner input

  • Feedback

SPRIGS deliverables

  • Front end code

We deliver bespoke software in interactive installations, generative design, automated print processing or data processing. We develop in multiple languages such as Java, C++, QML, R, Python and C# and frameworks like Unity3D, Processing, Qt, openFrameworks and Unity3D. Software development follows the same agile workflow we apply throughout our development process. Our expertise and flexibility in development languages allow us to choose the technology that best suits your needs.

Partner input

  • Feedback

SPRIGS deliverables

● Customised software


We develop entirely custom native mobile applications and support the delivery process. We can deliver cross-platform using Qt/QML or Unity3D, meaning that we don’t need to develop two separate applications for iOS and Android.

SPRIGS deliverables

  • Mobile application (iOS, Android)
  • Delivery support (App store)

We plan how different technical components form the application, including data sources, libraries, development setup, testing cycles, deployment, and integration. This activity is preferably part of sprint 0 in our agile workflow, making the development process and communication between all stakeholders more effective.

Partner input

  • Feedback

SPRIGS deliverables

  • Technical design & requirements report

Preferably front end developments are stand-alone components not intrinsically tied to one system. By isolating our code from direct interaction with the webserver or back end, we standardise the user interaction, which is good from a code quality perspective, and separate security concerns across domains. This approach makes it much more manageable than the average integrated solution as our front-end and other systems routes via an API (Application Program Interface). Server-side implementation of this API can be developed by integration partners or by us.

SPRIGS deliverables

  • API specification document

DevOps (Development and Operations) is a set of practices that automate development and operations between software development and IT teams. We automate these processes so we can build, test, and release software faster and more reliably. In essence, it’s about setting up critical infrastructure for the development team.

SPRIGS deliverables

  • Git repository
  • Unit, stress, and integration testing
  • Static code analysis
  • Continuous integration for development purposes
  • Continuous deployment for development purposes

Copywriting creates usable products and meaningful storytelling. The content strategy focuses on all types of text, such as headlines, calls to action, buttons, and labels. Especially with innovative products, it helps people understand what is displayed, and it ensures seamless integration between message and medium.

Partner input

  • Feedback
  • Guidelines on the tone of voice for the brand of product

SPRIGS deliverables

  • Content creation

We set guidelines that explain the type of content that is needed. We focus on, for example, tone of voice, editorial structure, text lengths, and imagery. We determine how and who takes responsibility for content to ensure that the final result will reach the intended goals.

Partner input

  • Feedback

SPRIGS deliverables

  • Content guidelines document

Support and validate


After a launch, we analyse the usage data and distil insights into user flows, important or overseen features, and identify issues from a technical or user experience early on. We keep track of usage analytics such as Google Analytics. Insights inform decisions on what parts to improve or further develop.

SPRIGS deliverables

  • Usage analysis

We subject the project to a user test at various moments during the workflow process. We invite users to perform tasks and to explain what they are doing, why they are doing it and what they expect to happen. The scope of the test may differ but can range from open-ended interviews to specific quantitative measurements. We invite partners to observe the tests live and to discuss and evaluate test documentation and results after.

Partner input

  • Attend user test if possible

SPRIGS deliverables

  • User test report

We provide maintenance and service level agreements for our project if required. Activities focus on maintenance to the server and application, security updates and browser update support optimisation.

SPRIGS deliverables

  • Maintenance

We regularly review the designs or product updates to ensure that new features align with the product vision. We also update the product roadmap or refine the product vision based on progressive insights.

Partner input

  • Access to design team
  • Access to product or product designs

SPRIGS deliverables

  • Creative review meetings (remote or in-person)
  • Roadmap and product vision workshop
  • Structured product review

We make an effort to support people becoming users of the outcome work and prepare our client’s team or other stakeholders to deal with potential interface changes.

Partner input

  • Access to users
  • Collaboration for creating onboarding materials

SPRIGS deliverables

  • Training webinars or videos
  • Instructions for reference or to be sent out regularly
  • Support with setting up a knowledge base or help centre